Women throughout the world still lack opportunities to succeed. This is especially so for women in China who suffer from discrimination from China cultural practises and those daily injustices.

heraspire started from Ms. Christine Yew, Christine Yew was born in a small family in Malaysia. She started to learn sewing at her teen ages when she pick up the sewing skills from helping her mother. Her mother was a home seamstresses who make a living from received some work from making apparel to the neighbours. At that time when she is still schooling, when she return home from school, apart from daily chores to complete, she will help her mother to complete the sewing work to meet deadline and from there she pick up the sewing craftmanship unknowingly and naturally as she grown up.

Christine was then graduated with a Bachelor in Professional Accounting from University of Science from Malaysia. She reside in Guang Zhou, China in 2017 to start a baby hammock manufacturing and received very good response from Western countries especially German customers. With that she start receiving many different contracting works and eventually establised a team of women especially those divorced single parent womens to help completing the work provided by customers around the world.

With the mission of independent from man and improved craftmanship of women, the team heraspire will continue to improved the productivity and advancement in the world of apparel manufacturing to cater the demand of customer worldwide.

With a steeped fast effort and strictly aim to produce finest work and commitment, you can be confident in partnering with us for making excellence product. The team dedicate in providing higher quality end-products that you can just focus on marketing and promotion to expand your business anywhere in the world.